Latijns-Amerika magazine.

CEDLA Lecture: The political influence of the Latin American military

  • datum:19/05
  • tijd:15:30-17:00
  • locatie:CEDLA
  • adres:Roetersstraat 33 (2nd floor), Amsterdam

Dirk Kruijt, Utrecht University

The topics discussed in this lecture are the following:

1. Basic characteristics of Latin America’s armed forces: relatively small, few interstate wars, certain preference for internal enemies, professional armies, dominance of the USA, duality of professional and political military.

2. Political armies of the Right and Left: old-style dictatorship, Mexico’s exceptionality, Cuban influence and the Armed Left, institutional coups of the Right, reformist political armies.

3. The military in democratic Latin America: exit strategies and reduction of budget and personnel, popularity of military leaders, new missions and structures.

4. New security agendas: democratic credentials, internal security risks, ear on drugs, zero tollerance and US pressure.