Latijns-Amerika magazine.

Demonstration: Mexico Eurocaravana43 Amsterdam

  • datum:17/05
  • tijd:14:00 - 17:00
  • locatie:Amsterdam
  • adres:Vondelpark

Omar García, Don Eleucadio Ortega (padre de Mauricio Ortega) y Román Hernández, del centro de derechos humanos de la montaña Tlachinollan estarán en Amsterdam como parte de la Eurocaravana 43. Será un evento cultural para toda la familia, con música, poesía, papalotes, y una alcancía para donación. Los esperamos! Por Ayotzinapa y por México!
The surviving student Omar Garcia, Don Eleucadio Ortega (father of Mauricio Ortega, one of the 43 disappeared students) and Roman Hernandez from the human rights NGO Tlachinollan, will be in the Vondelpark in Amsterdam, a space to hear and join their voice and claim for justice. There will also be music, poetry and other activities. Event for the whole family, Mexico needs you!

FULL PROGRAM / English Version

14:00 -Starting point ”Casa Migrante”- We’ll walk towards the Vondelpark holding banners of Justice, Dignity, name of the students, etc. (You are all welcome to bring material)

14:30 – Welcome of the EuroCaravana march with Music-By “Y sigue la mata dando”-Mexican traditional Music

14:35-14:40-Manifesto of Civil Society living in the Netherlands to the Ayotzinapa Delegation – By Pablo Aguilera

14:41-15:10 -Words by the Ayotzinapa Delegation

14:41-14:50 Omar García – Student Survivor

14:51-15:00 Eleucadio Ortega Carlos – Father of the abducted student Mauricio Ortega

15:00-15:10 Román Hernández – Human Right Organization-Tlachinolla

15:11-15:15 Speech from SíPaz (International Service for Peace)-By Laura Bass

15:16-15:20 Music – By Aura Rascón and other mexican musicians

15:20-15:30 ”Papalotes”-Flying Kites action. Call the roll of the 43 student names. (We will read the name of each student and afterwards the kite with his name will be flown, followed by the claim of “¡Justicia!”. The kites stand as a symbol of hope. We want them back alive!)

15:30-15:35 Donation (We want to invite all participants to give a donation to the delegation to keep ongoing their work for justice. You can also write a short message to the Ayotzinapa people).

15:30-15:40 Music – By Aura Rascón, and other mexican musicians

15:41-15:44 Poem – By Olinda Larralde

15:45-15:50 Hand over of Donation

15:50-16:00 Closing words – At the end we will all count until 43.

16:00-16:30 The Ayotzinapa people will have a space for short talks with other activist/organizations/people.

*Permission is approved by the municipality of Amsterdam