Latijns-Amerika magazine.

Masterclass ‘Beyond Globalization: Food, Co-operatives and WalMart in Mexico’

  • datum:23/10
  • tijd:19:30 - 21:30
  • locatie:Universiteit Leiden
  • adres:Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Wassenaarseweg 52, Lokaal 1A27

Volg Je Maaltijd organizes its third master class.

What is the impact of globalization on the production and trade of food? In this masterclass José Carlos G. Aguiar will focus on the trade of food in Mexico by looking at two contrasting structures: corporate power, as embodied by WalMart, on the one hand, and the cooperative system, exemplified by the cooperatives in the coastal area of Oaxaca, on the other.

José Carlos G. Aguiar is lecturer at Leiden University. He is specialized in cultures of illegality, cities, security and digital piracy.

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