Latijns-Amerika magazine.

Movies that matter: Dreaming Nicaragua

  • datum:10/12
  • tijd:20:00
  • locatie:OT301
  • adres:Overtoom 301, Amsterdam
  • kosten:€4

Amnesty International film night showing critical and important documentaries. This month a special edition for Human Rights Day 2013.


Dreaming Nicaragua (2010) by Marcelo Bukin, US is a documentary about children living in extreme poverty in Nicaragua. The film takes us beyond their hardships and gives voice to the youngsters, who are surprisingly funny, hopeful, and optimistic. A traveling art teacher provides a safe arena for our four unlikely protagonists to express their innermost thoughts. When painting, the kids momentarily escape the stresses of their reality into a world of dreams and ideas, a stark contrast to their lives outside: a vicious cycle of hunger, child labor, and violence. Despite the extreme circumstances, the children and their families face their lives with an inspiring unity, strength and humor.


You can check the trailer here. 

Meer info: OT301